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PWLL Deri Yesterday

Frm Sandra Young: 29+ guillemots and several razorbills seen rafting around Middle sized island. Many more on smaller island plus Canada goose, gulls mating. Swallows, martins, kestral, 7 choughs.

Castlemartin Range yesterday and today

We spent much of the the Bank Holiday period checking chough sites at Castlemartin Range, where despite the exceptionally wet ground conditions, most of the expected territories appear to be…

Marloes Marsh Harrier Yesterday

A female Marsh Harrier was feeding on carrion yesterday at Marloes Mere in front of the Britton hide. I had see what looked like an intact dead Herring Gull there on…

Lesser Yellowlegs, Llangwm yesterday

After a fruitless search for the Yellowlegs yesterday afternoon, we met a local resident birder, who told us he was pretty sure he’d just seen it, but only had binoculars.…

Angle Bay – gulls and ants yesterday afternoon

  Needing a bit of a break from working on various reports, we decided to visit Angle Bay yesterday afternoon where we had not been to for ages.  On warm…

Large swallow passage between Strumble Head and Pwll Deri yesterday morning

A walk yesterday morning between Strumble Head and Pwll Deri produced quite impressive numbers of swallows.  During a c.3 hr period there must have been at least a thousand or…

Mad Dog BLASTS Stephen A. for being late to First Take yesterday 🤣

Mad Dog BLASTS Stephen A. for being late to First Take yesterday Chris “Mad Dog” Russo calls out Stephen A. for missing the … source

Westfield Pill – Yesterday

 From Sandra Coates-Smith – Friday afternoonTwo firecrests in bushes/trees on the pill side of the path, between the overhead wires and the narrow ‘weir’ section of the pill.

Stackpole and Tenby – yesterday

From Gareth Jenkins – After several wet`n`windy days a dry day was forecast so I drove to my county of birth and spent the day at Stackpole, walking around the lakes. Birds…