• Sat. Jul 6th, 2024


The Pet encyclopedia

Touching a rabbit's foot – DO NOT ATTEMPT


Touching a rabbit’s foot did not go as planned. Rabbits have an insane reaction time. Is a rabbit jumping up the fastest animal action time? Yes. How fast are rabbits? Imagine the speed of a lightning strike multiplied by the speed of another, faster lightning strike.

Do rabbits like being pet? Yes. But apparently they do NOT like their feet touched. We thought we were making progress with this tiny pet bunny rabbit, so we try and pet him while he is resting and relaxing. However, the rabbit jumps up and immediately flies into a rage, charging the camera. Sorry, bun!

Wondering how to pet a rabbit? Try petting their head!

Thanks for checking out Pipkin, Pigpoke, and our rabbit channel. We hope you think Pipkin and Pigpoke are the the cutest rabbits ever. Pipkin really enjoyed making videos – ASMR videos in particular! We don’t know what Pigpoke likes yet, but hopefully he likes eating! Pipkin and Pigpoke are both a free range rabbit / free roam rabbit and we all enjoy making cute rabbit videos. If you’d like to see more cute rabbit videos, please watch some of our other work!

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Other stuff weโ€™re doing!
Instagram: one.more.please
Merch: https://goo.gl/VAHCvx
Pipkinโ€™s Amazon store: https://goo.gl/m1gdkB
Patreon: https://goo.gl/855gpR
Please let us know if you have any feedback or suggestions!
Thank you!! ๐Ÿ˜€



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