• Sun. Jul 7th, 2024


The Pet encyclopedia

Tuesday 31st January 2023


Branston GPs

Morning counts – 5x Pink-footed Geese, 5x Curlew, 350x Lapwing, Dunlin, Redshank, Green Sandpiper, Snipe, 16x Shelduck, 12x Wigeon, 6x Pochard, 4x Goldeneye, Common Gull, Little Egret, (DSc)  –  afternoon counts  2x RuffBlack-tailed Godwit, 2x Redshank, Dunlin, 12x Curlew, 3x Green Sandpiper, 3x Snipe, 626x Lapwing, 4x Little Egret, 11x Goldeneye, Goosander, 78x Pochard, 26x Wigeon, 16x Shoveler, 29x Shelduck, 2x Egyptian Geese, 25x Little Grebe, 5x YL Gull, Stonechat, (JWo, CEc, Dean, SBI, ABI, CBI)


50x Goosander, and at Pool Hall 2x Pintail, (ADe)

Pool Hall

3x Little Egret, 14x Goosander, 2x Pintail, (KCl)  –  also at  17:00 26x Goosander, 3x Shoveler, (CVa)

Stanley Pool

Oystercatcher, (ALa)

Longsdon Mill Pool

370x Lapwing, (ALa)

Deep Hayes

8x Goosander, 2x Wigeon, (ALa)


31x Raven overhead, 60x Lapwing also 200x Pied Wagtail at the STW, (ALa)


6x Red Kite at the golf course, (PBe)


Jack Snipe, 6x Snipe, 6x Goosander, Shag, (CMa, DGl)  –  Gull roost Ad Iceland Gull, juv Glaucous Gull, 2x Caspian Gull, 3x YL Gull also the GN Diver, Shag.

Doxey Marsh

2x Great Egret, 4x Little Egret, 300x Golden Plover, 2x Shelduck, 5x Goosander, Stonechat. (DB)  –  Snipe, Shoveler, (BGo)

Whitemoor Haye

Peregrine, (RBe)

                                                                  By Rob Bendelow

Westport Lake

GBB Gull, 3x Goosander, 26x Pochard, (NJS)