• Fri. Jul 5th, 2024


The Pet encyclopedia

Turning Hate Into Love | Bonding Our Aggressive Rabbits



This is the story of how we bonded our rabbits Turbo and Bunmi. They weren’t the easiest of pairs to bond as Turbo was very territorial and aggressive towards Bunmi but we still managed to bond them within a month and their bond is slowly getting stronger!

We loosely followed the bonding guide from https://www.rabbitsanctuary.com.au/how-to-bond-your-rabbits (table bonding, floor bonding and playpen dates). We didn’t use any stress bonding methods as we wanted the bunnies to bond through acceptance, rather than fear.

Both bunnies were desexed before meeting. Turbo was desexed at SERV (Sydney) and Bunmi was desexed at Berry Vet Clinic through The Rabbit Sanctuary.

I will be doing another video in the near future with tips for bonding difficult pairs of rabbits and how you set yourself up for success!

0:00 Intro
1:24 About the bunnies
2:40 Overview of bonding process
3:26 Pre-bonding and aggression
6:00 Side by side pens
6:20 Table bonding
8:18 Bunny fight
9:57 Grooming trick
10:24 Micro floor bonding
12:15 Playpen dates
14:18 Bonded!

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Turbo is a young male mini lop and Bunmi (Banh Mi) is a female mystery rescue bun from The Rabbit Sanctuary. They live free roam and occasionally snuggle with us, their human slaves.


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