• Sun. Jul 7th, 2024


The Pet encyclopedia

Hook – Leucistic waders and Brambling

 Overall numbers of waders and wildfowl in the estuary are falling with some day to day variation in ‘attendees’ over the last week as presumed migrants come and go. Black-tailed Godwits have been present each day with a peak of 97 birds on the same day as 6 Bar-tailed Godwits.  Lapwings and geese seem to have disappeared completely. I thought the same had happened to the Golden Plovers but about 700 were back on the mud flats at Sprinkle Pill yesterday and they’ve been in the air again today. 4 Pintail are still present with the remaining Wigeon. 

Leucism in two individuals, a Golden Plover and a Dunlin made them stand out in their respective crowds. Wholly white primaries and secondaries in the Golden Plover made it easily visible within the flock in flight, to the extent you’d wonder how long it will escape the attentions of a raptor. One of the Dunlin flock had broad white rings around its eyes – like black eyes in negative. Not as obvious a target perhaps but striking through the ‘scope.

Today a female Brambling has joined the Chaffinches at the seed in our garden, the first I’ve seen this winter.