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Turpins lodge, Hook Norton: 6th April

Turpins lodge, Hook Norton Swallow: SP396352. 16:33. Mary Clifton

Hook – Chiffchaff

 The 1st singing Chiffchaff for the garden of this year, this afternoon. In fact its the first collybita bird here since last August.

Hook WeBS

There’s still a good variety of species present here although some have thinned out in number quite considerably. A goodly number of Redshank (117), Dunlin (259), Teal (597), Shelduck (84)…

Hook – Firecrest, Spotted Redshank, Whooper Swans

 2 walks of the dog by Sprinkle Pill today turned out to be quite productive for birds. This morning produced a Firecrest in the woods at the head of the…

Hook – Gull roost

A substantial (for here) gull roost formed at the mouth of Sprinkle Pill in the fading light of yesterday afternoon. Dominated by Black-headed Gulls (734), with 4 Mediterranean, 4 Common,…

Spotted Redshank – Hook

 A Spotted Redshank was on the Western Cleddau at Hook Quay this afternoon (bird on the Boulston side). Also, 2 Bar-tailed Godwits.

Barn owl, South Hook

From John Bearne. I was very surprised and delighted to watch a barn owl hunting in the dusk over rough ground near South Hook Point. It then flew the back into…

Hook / Sprinkle Pill

 51 Black-tailed Godwits were feeding in the pill at low tide today with a few of them now in breeding plumage. The remnants of the winter’s Redshanks (6) and Teal…

Hook – Leucistic waders and Brambling

 Overall numbers of waders and wildfowl in the estuary are falling with some day to day variation in ‘attendees’ over the last week as presumed migrants come and go. Black-tailed…

Yellow-browed Warblers – Hook

 2 Yellow-browed Warblers through the garden this afternoon. Also a male Blackcap and a Chiffchaff – the first this winter.