• Thu. Jul 4th, 2024


The Pet encyclopedia

Hook WeBS


Feb 13, 2024 , ,

There’s still a good variety of species present here although some have thinned out in number quite considerably. A goodly number of Redshank (117), Dunlin (259), Teal (597), Shelduck (84) and Greenshank (10) kept the counter busy. Over-wintering Ringed Plover (7), Spotted Redshank (1) and Kingfisher (1) are still present and have been joined by a Moorhen (1), the first this winter. Numbers of Lapwing (31), Curlew (16), Greylag Goose (12), Canada Goose (4), Wigeon (5) and Mallard (1) have fallen off a cliff in the last week or so. Numbers of Black-tailed Godwits vary daily and today there were 16 at the mouth of Sprinkle Pill. Pintails and Shovelers, usually present at the pill mouth on a rising tide over the last month or so were absent for the count, this being taken on a falling tide. 

On a non – WeBS note, Song Thrushes have sprung to life in the last 2 weeks, heralding the new day and continuing in fine voice through the day.