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RSPB Otmoor WeBS Count 12 February 2024

Brent goose – 1 Canada Goose – 417 Coot – 129 Cormorant – 5 Curlew – 1 Dunlin – 142 Gadwall – 37 Golden plover – 3068 Great crested grebe…

Hook WeBS

There’s still a good variety of species present here although some have thinned out in number quite considerably. A goodly number of Redshank (117), Dunlin (259), Teal (597), Shelduck (84)…

Carew/Cresswell & Landshipping Quay area WeBS

This morning’s WeBS counts around the Carew/Cresswell and Daugleddau/Landshipping areas produced relatively modest numbers of waterfowl. Most of the wigeon appear to have left with only 53 noted on the…

RSPB Otmoor: WeBS 15th January

Black-headed gull – 93 Canada goose – 282 Coot – 99 Dunlin – 22 Gadwall – 238 Golden plover – 310 Great crested grebe – 1 Greylag goose – 198…

Upper Daugleddau – WeBS this morning

Being somewhat iced-in this morning, we were only able to cover the upper reaches of the Cleddau for WeBS that we could do on-foot from home. At Landshipping there were…

The Whole New World of Digital: Dew-Draped Spider Webs

Very Dewy Lessons On a densely-foggy Monday morning past, the vegetation along the canal between the South Field and the South Peninsula was draped with many hundreds (no exaggeration) of…

Carew-Cresswell (WeBS) this morning; Goodwick (Flagpoles) this afternoon

Fairly modest numbers of waterfowl during this mornings WeBS counts along the Carew/Cresswell Rivers included c.350 Wigeon, 200+ Teal and 150+ Lapwings. Other species included only 25 Dunlin, c.50 Curlews,…