• Tue. Jul 2nd, 2024


The Pet encyclopedia

Carew/Cresswell & Landshipping Quay area WeBS


This morning’s WeBS counts around the Carew/Cresswell and Daugleddau/Landshipping areas produced relatively modest numbers of waterfowl. Most of the wigeon appear to have left with only 53 noted on the Carew/Cresswell and 22 at Landshipping. Teal numbers were higher, with c.175 (most of them at New Shipping) and 182 at Landshipping. 75 shelduck in the Carew/Cresswell was a fairly low total. A single great crested grebe was feeding in the Daugleddau channel opposite Sam’s Wood.


Some of the 182 teal at Landshipping Quay, earnestly feeding in the shallows (possibly fattening up prior to migration?)

Numbers of curlew were quite low (56) as were those of redshank (<30) which was the lowest February WeBS total for redshank since 2018. Only 2 greenshanks were seen today and there were no grey plovers at their usual roost site. A small flock of c.90 lapwings moved around, as they often do, between the Cresswell and Carew Rivers. 

Numbers of other waders were a bit better, 83 oystercatchers roosted at Lawrenny but the total here was lower than last month. There was no sign of a colour-ringed bird from the Gann that was here in January. About 400 dunlin were at New Shipping and at least 80 black-tailed godwits in Radford Pill. A probable 2CY male peregrine was hunting over the Carew River, scattering the teal and dunlin for a while. 

Over the last few weeks, we have noted reasonably large numbers of winter thrushes (mostly fieldfares) feeding in damp pasture between Tedion Mountain and Curly Wells Bridge. Today, a bit further south, a flock of at least 500 fieldfares (possibly the same birds?) was feeding in grassland and/or resting in trees between Deal Cross Roads and Newton Lane. Numbers or redwings with them were fairly small, probably less than 50