The six Little Terns, an adult Little Gull and four Goosanders are at the Bann Estuary this morning. (Dean Jones).
The Black-headed Wagtail was in the fields along the middle road at Myroe again this morning before being flushed by machinery. (Bob Watts).
An adult American Golden Plover is at Myroe, seen on the turfield by the middle road it flew out onto the mudflats. (Bob Watts). A leucistic Pied Wagtail was also present on the turfields. (John Clarke). The American Golden Plover was back on the turfields at 4.30 this afternoon. (Paul Milne).
A female Hen Harrier was in the Antrim hills this morning. (Olcán Shaw)
A Great Shearwater and a Balearic Shearwater were seen from the Belfast Cairnryan ferry. (Gyorgy Szimuly).
The Black-winged Pratincole and four Crossbills were at Blanket Nook in Donegal. (Paul Milne). The Pratincole was still present at 8pm, it spent time in the fields with Lapwing and was difficult to see but came to roost on the spit and showed well from the west end of the causeway. (Eric Randall).
Thanks to Bob Watts for the pictures of the American Golden Plover and the leucistic Pied Wagtail and to David Hill for his pictures of the American Golden Plover: