• Sat. Jul 27th, 2024


The Pet encyclopedia

Friday 28th July 2023


Jul 29, 2023 , , , ,

Middleton Lakes

2x Garganey, (MSm)  –  now 4x Garganey, (SPA)

Blithfield Resv

39x Little Egrets, site record, (GJM, MDJ)  –  Greenshank, 10x Common Sandpiper, 2x Curlew, 3x Dunlin, Green Sandpiper, 26x LRP, 9x Goosander, 2x Great Egret, 34x Little Egret, Wheatear, (SE, HF)

                                                          Wheatear by Steve Edwards

Branston GPs

Juv Kittiwake south over north pit at 18:55, 2x Black-tailed Godwit, Dunlin, 2x Green Sandpiper, 7x Common Sandpiper, 4x Ringed Plover, 2x LRP, 60x Lapwing, 10x Curlew, 5x Oystercatcher, 12x Little Egret, 36x Little Grebe, 81x Pochard, 6x Mandarin, 19x Shelduck, 16x Common Tern, 4x YL Gull, 3x Green Woodpecker, (JWo)

                                                          Mandarins by Jon Woodcock

Rudyard Lake

2x Spotted Flycatcher, near bridge to cafe, (TDu)