• Thu. Jul 4th, 2024


The Pet encyclopedia

Bird News Saturday 18th May


May 19, 2024 , , , , ,
The 2 Curlew Sandpipers were still at the Bann Estuary. (Dean Jones).

An Arctic Skua went past Portstewart Head this morning. (Stephen Riddell).
A Roseate Tern was at Belfast Lough RSPB WoW reserve this morning. (Kevin Kirkham).
There are still 3 Ruff in the rushy pool in the middle of Reedy Flats. (Garry Armstrong).
A Short-eared Owl flew high over Mill Bay on Rathlin. (Chris Murphy).
2 Yellowhammers were at Ballyhalbert Road near Killough. (David Clarke).
A Whimbrel with an injured leg was at Orlock Point. (Steven Farquhar).
An Osprey seen from the car flew north west over Upper Road, Carrickfergus. (Bob Watts).
Arctic Skua, Stephen Riddell  
Short-eared Owl, Ric Else.

Yellowhammer, David Clarke.