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Standlake Pit 60: 18th June

Standlake Pit 60 40 Lapwing: Flock of exactly 40 on LL island. Only 9 of which were juvs. Young don’t survive early crop cuts. 12:13. 2 Hobby: one 2cy, hardly…

Bird News Tuesday 18th June

A Red-necked Phalarope was briefly off the hide at the Barmouth this morning (Dennis Weir). No sign 1345-1445 (Richard Donaghey). There was still no sign of the Phalarope this evening…

Tuesday 18th June 2024

Stanley Pool LRP on east side, 3x Oystercatcher, Curlew, (GBr) Blithfield Resv Drake Common Scoter, (GJM) Stoke on Trent Lordship Lane – Dunlin, Oystercatcher, (RGi) Shugborough Common Tern along the…

Otmoor rspb 18th June

Spoonbill still present on Flood Field 15:45 then on Big Otmoor 19:57 (per Adrian Tysoe et al). Park in Oddington and follow bridleway east for  approximately half a mile to view…

Chipping Norton: 18th June

Chipping Norton Quail: Heard calling from flower meadow on Addlestrop Hill near Chastleton for 10-15 mins only. SP255280. 15:20. 9 Skylark: SP255280. 15:20. 2 Whitethroat: SP255280. 15:20. Green Woodpecker: SP255280.…

Bicester Highfield: 18th June

Bicester Highfield Hobby: SP578230. 19:15. Patrick Galka

Chimney: Chimney Meadows: 18th June

Chimney: Chimney Meadows Cattle Egret: One flew north from the Chimney hide. SP356004. 11:43. Phil Chapman

Balscote Quarry Reserve 18th June

Green Sandpiper (E.B).

Bird News Saturday 18th May

The 2 Curlew Sandpipers were still at the Bann Estuary. (Dean Jones). An Arctic Skua went past Portstewart Head this morning. (Stephen Riddell). A Roseate Tern was at Belfast Lough…

Saturday 18th May 2024

WMI site near Calf Heath Common Sandpiper, LRPs, Lesser Whitethroat, (SRi) Middleton Lakes Grey Plover, Cuckoo, Garden Warbler,  Belvide Resv Osprey this morning,  Baldwins Gate 2x Red Kite over at…