• Sun. Jul 7th, 2024


The Pet encyclopedia

Bird News Saturday 6th May


May 7, 2023 , , , , ,
On the 4th a Hawfinch was in a garden in Cloughey in Co. Down).

An adult female Marsh Harrier was In Portballintrae at 9.40 this morning, being mobbed by gulls and crows flying across the fields at Bayhead Road then flew out across the bay towards the Giants Causeway (Simon Morton).

At least 3 Corncrakes were calling in Church Bay on Rathlin this morning. (Ric Else & Hazel Watson).
Lough Beg had a Garganey, Great White Egret and 2 Whimbrel. (Richard Hunter).
A Common Sandpiper was at Oxford Island. (Ryan Holgate).
A summer plumaged Curlew Sandpiper was at the Bann estuary. (Dean Jones).
Two male Garganey are at Lough Beg this evening, also the Great Egret still present, 56 Whimbrel flying through and a dozen White Wagtails. (David Steele).
An Arctic Tern was at Belfast Lough RSPB WoW reserve. (Daniel Newton).
Several Arctic Terns were at Cockle Island in Groomsport. (Bob Watts).
Thanks to Ryan Holgate for the picture of the Common Sandpiper and to Michael Latham for the pictures of the Sedge Warbler and the Blackcap: