• Sat. Jun 15th, 2024


The Pet encyclopedia

Cats play in all-cat band


Dec 15, 2022 , , ,

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I’ve seen your videos of dogs playing guitar. And I’m not impressed. You know what would impress me? A dog in an actual band. Or a band of just cats. Oh wait —

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Rock Cats: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=xY5p8WMPj48
Must Love Cats- World’s Only Feline Band!: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=6yWno5hFinQ
Kickstarter for The Amazing Acro-Cats & Rock Cats Purrfect Tour Bus!: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=jSUDI-u5vUQ
Zeke: http://vimeo.com/8042668
Caninus – No Dogs, No Masters: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=OrocEmhLsJk
Caninus – Bite the Hand That Breeds You: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=vF7CB5yltbM
Hatebeak – Feral Parrot: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=rwQuPCqA5AI
Hatebeak – Bird Seeds of Vengeance: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=VwXKR9EWhXo


I’ve seen your videos of dogs playing guitar. And I’m not impressed. You know what would impress me? A dog in an actual band. Or a band of just cats. Oh wait —

Since the dawn of the modern era, man has invested untold mental capital inventing new ways of subjugating the wild beasts which roam the plane. From games of poker to games of Roomba, we never quiet figured out how to take advantage of the untapped musical creativity of our non-human planet partners. Until Rock Cats.

Tuna and the Rock Cats are an all-cat band from Chicago. The recently raised over thirty thousand dollars through Kickstarter for a new tour bus. And it is sweet.

That bus has taken the Cats all over North America, from Toronto to Texas. Led by Tuna, star of a PetCo commercial and a Student Emmy-winning short film, they’ve thrilled audiences to such hits as –

And who could forget —

No but seriously they do a whole acrobatic show and foster kittens and clearly are really wonderful.

If freeform feline jazz doesn’t check all the boxes for you, maybe you’d prefer dog-fronted deathgrind. Maybe you’d prefer Caninus.

Caninus was fronted by two rescued pitbulls, Budgie and Basil. With some help from Justin Brannan of Most Precious Blood, the band released Now the Animals Have a Voice in 2004, including such ragers as “No Dogs, No Masters” and “Bite The Hand That Breeds You.”

Basil died in 2011, but left behind a surprisingly substantial catalogue. In addition their full-length masterwork, Caninus also released two splits — one with the very-human Cattle Decapitation, the other with Hatebeak.

That’s a parrot. His name is Waldo. He is the vocalist for Hatebeak. The band also includes Blake Harrison from Pig Destroyer, but, like, also a parrot.

Impressive, but c’mon. Step it up, parrots. I’m waiting for an all-avian band.

Got a video of an otter playing banjo, or a bad pun for your all-lion rap crew? Let us know in the comments, and subscribe for new episodes of This Exists every week. And help control the pet population, have your pets spayed or neutered.


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