• Sun. Jul 7th, 2024


The Pet encyclopedia

Cuckoo at St Davids Head


Apr 29, 2023 , , ,

A Cuckoo was calling at St Davids Head and flying circuits around the hollow by Coetan Arthur burial chamber ignoring, and apparently not being noticed by, the 30 first year geology students on their first field trip.

There were several Wheatear in the area – one at St Davids Head was singing and apparently at home whilst the more colourful ones in the fields between the golf course and Penlechwen were quiet and feeding and presumably on their way towards Greenland.

There were lots of warblers around and singing in the blackthorn scrub south and north of the YHA and in Porthmelgan valley withies –  Blackcaps, Chiffchaff, Willow and Sedge Warblers, and Whitethroats with a Redstart in a bramble thicket towards Porthmelgan beach. A male and a young female Kestrel were in the area and a female Sparrowhawk passed through being mobbed by a crow before itself taking a swipe at a Buzzard. Stonechats, Dunnocks, Linnets, Meadow Pipits, Wrens and Robins were all singing and mostly showing well as the sun broke through the low cloud and the temperature rose. A pair and a single Chough and a Raven were on the coastal strip and several Swallows and a single House Martin passed through the valley or  past the head.