• Tue. Jul 2nd, 2024


The Pet encyclopedia

Dale area


Mar 26, 2023 , ,

A 4 hour wander from Crabhall today, taking in the boundaries of the 3km2 ‘green’ patch for Patchwork Challenge 2023.  First new bird of the year was Sandwich Tern with 2 fishing between the Gann and Dale (Paul G later had 7).  A Red-throated Diver in Dale Roads was also new for the list, and a second bird was seen off Castlebeach where there was also a Razorbill.

Up onto the airfield, via West Dale, where 2 Chough were new for the year, as were several Linnets.  The airfield resounded to the sound of singing Skylarks, there were 2 male Wheatears, along with a mobile flock of 250 or so Golden Plover with plenty of smart black-bellies in present.  A Merlin flashed by terrorising a small passerine: we watched the pursuit for over a minute before we lost the two birds high in the sky.

Coming home past the Gann we could see 28 Brent Geese on the mud, the first here for some time (the birds from Angle, or further south?). (Dave & Lisa)