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Saturday 11th May – Dale & Marloes area

After a late(ish) night Aurora watching from St Ishmaels on Friday, Lisa & I uncharacteristically made an early start on Saturday morning and spent most of the day birding the…

Dale sand martins

 Three sand martins were hawking over the fields in the centre of Dale village for most of the afternoon – my first of the year. 

Waders, Dale airfield

A very blustery couple of hours to check the airfield and scrub. Waders in numbers on the southern side of the stony field and intersection, too windy to check the…

Greater Short-toed Lark – still present at Dale Airfield

I visited Dale Airfield this afternoon as the wind was beginning to die down. There was plenty of water on the runways, which had attracted 4 Mallard, and 2 Knot…

Short-toed Lark still at Dale Aifield

The Greater Short-toed Lark was still present at Dale Airfield this afternoon, and was also reported as being present in the morning. We watched it for some time between about…

Little ringed plover, Dale airfield

No sign of the lark this evening among the many skylark, a couple of pairs of which were showing courtship behaviour and lots of chasing around. Linnet feeding youngsters. Checking…

Short-toed lark (and Redstart) Dale airfield

George, Fiona and I met at the airfield to take a look for the Short-toed lark found earlier in the day. We eventually caught sight as it flew from midway…

Marloes mere and Dale airfield

The 4 Tufted duck still in the North irrigation, single Lapwing, Coot nest building. A Whimbrel on the grassy slope beneath the cottage. Merlin on prey. A Hummingbird hawkmoth on…

Dale area

A 4 hour wander from Crabhall today, taking in the boundaries of the 3km2 ‘green’ patch for Patchwork Challenge 2023.  First new bird of the year was Sandwich Tern with 2…

Marloes & Dale

 A bit of a catch-up after the LEO excitement of the weekend: Dale Airfield: 150+ Lapwing and 7 Golden Plover in a field with sheep at the Dale end of…