• Sat. Jul 6th, 2024


The Pet encyclopedia

Dorchester: Days Lock scrape: 17th November

Dorchester: Days Lock scrape
Brent Goose: 1 juv dark-bellied. Mostly on its own near the scrape. Did not associate with Canada and Greylag Geese. 12:30.
13 Lapwing: Also a small wader with the Lapwing, only seen through binoculars – probably Dunlin?. 12:30.
Yellow-legged Gull: present during late morning to early afternoon. Eventually flew towards Dorchester Pits. In with c300 Lesser black-backs (almost all adults), 1 GBB (1st win), c. 6 Herring gull (adults). 12:30.

Michael Pocock

Courtesy of Michael Pocock.