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  • Dorchester: Dyke Hills: 20th June

Dorchester: Dyke Hills: 20th June

Dorchester: Dyke Hills 2 Grey Partridge: Calling. SU571936. 21:55. Matthew Lloyd

Dorchester: Sailing Club Pit (Dorchester Lagoon): 28th April

Dorchester: Sailing Club Pit (Dorchester Lagoon) 250 Swallow: At least 250 feeding over the lake in mixed flock with martins. SU569954. 10:00. 150 Sand Martin: At least 150 feeding over…

Days Lock Dorchester 11th February

Male GREEN-WINGED TEAL at Church Farm, Days Lock (per Geoff Wyatt). Due to floods the area is not accessible from Little Wittenham Church. Currently the bird is only viewable distantly…

Dorchester: Days Lock: 12th April

Dorchester: Days Lock 2 Garganey: m + f. On flooded area next to Thames Path just north of Days Lock amongst numerous other waterfowl. 10:30. James Blunt

Dorchester 29th March

Osprey reported over Queenford Lake c17:45.

Dorchester GPs – 16th February

Red-crested Pochard (m) on Orchid Lake @ 16:452 Egyptian Goose at Cemetery Lake earlier

Dorchester: Days Lock Scrape: 20th November: Brent Goose

Dorchester: Days Lock scrape: 17th November

Dorchester: Days Lock scrape Brent Goose: 1 juv dark-bellied. Mostly on its own near the scrape. Did not associate with Canada and Greylag Geese. 12:30. 13 Lapwing: Also a small…