• Thu. Jul 4th, 2024


The Pet encyclopedia

Frainslake Shore this afternoon


A walk along Frainslake beach this afternoon,for a belated WeBS count produced very few waders. There were just 4 sanderlings, 5 dunlins, 3 grey plovers and a couple of curlews – all having to avoid large amounts of spume being driven across the beach at high tide by a strong blustery wind.  

Surprisingly, there were no oystercatchers anywhere on the beach; normally there are 40+ at their usual roost location. 

These hardy little waders managed to avoid being engulfed by spume as they hunted for food on the shore 

A single adult male peregrine put in a brief appearance, as did a flock of at least 35-40 choughs flying low over the fore-dunes towards a communal roost site just before dusk.