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What to Do on a Lousy, Lazy Afternoon?

Catch-22 Catch-22 is a problematic situation for which the only solution is denied by a circumstance inherent in the problem or by a rule. What’s Up? The above exactly describes…

The Steps That All Bird Photographers Need to Master. And an Afternoon Walk with the Deadly & Versatile SONY 2-6!

Change Your Life Sign up for a spring Fort DeSoto IPT. Details below. What’s Up? A Must Read for Everyone The second 2024 San Diego IPT lost a morning to…

Angle Bay – gulls and ants yesterday afternoon

  Needing a bit of a break from working on various reports, we decided to visit Angle Bay yesterday afternoon where we had not been to for ages.  On warm…

Four of My Favorites from the DeSoto Mega Afternoon

What’s Up? Today is Sunday 21 May 2023. I leave for the Auto Train station at Sanford, FL at about noon today. You should be able to find me on…

South coast – Freshwater East to Skrinkle this afternoon

Between us we covered the coast path between Freshwater East and Skrinkle this afternoon in search of choughs etc. The breeding chough population seems to be doing really well at…

Sprinkle Pill this afternoon.

An hour or so as the rising tide approached it’s high point. Large flocks of Lapwing (c 2000+), Golden Plover (c 1500+) and Dunlin (600+) on the mud flats at…

Newport and Goodwick this afternoon

Taking advantage of the fine sunny weather, this afternoon we made a trip up north to the Nevern estuary and to Goodwick. We noted a couple of Mediterranean Gulls resting…

Cosheston Pill late this afternoon

A low-tide count at Cosheston Pill late this afternoon produced 161 wigeon feeding along the shore (quite a good count here), c.20 teal but only 2 shelducks and a few…

Frainslake Shore this afternoon

A walk along Frainslake beach this afternoon,for a belated WeBS count produced very few waders. There were just 4 sanderlings, 5 dunlins, 3 grey plovers and a couple of curlews…

Carew-Cresswell (WeBS) this morning; Goodwick (Flagpoles) this afternoon

Fairly modest numbers of waterfowl during this mornings WeBS counts along the Carew/Cresswell Rivers included c.350 Wigeon, 200+ Teal and 150+ Lapwings. Other species included only 25 Dunlin, c.50 Curlews,…