• Thu. Jul 4th, 2024


The Pet encyclopedia

Cosheston Pill late this afternoon


A low-tide count at Cosheston Pill late this afternoon produced 161 wigeon feeding along the shore (quite a good count here), c.20 teal but only 2 shelducks and a few mute swans. 

Waders included 81 lapwings, 15 black-tailed godwits, 20+ redshanks, 2 greenshanks several dunlin and a couple of oystercatchers. There were very few gulls in the area, around a dozen black-headed and a few herring.

In the channel there were 3 feeding great crested grebes and a great northern diver catching small crabs, a typical prey for this species in the estuary. While we were there it rested for a short while, perhaps keeping a close eye on a young grey seal that was also feeding nearby.

Great Northern Divers are fairly frequent winter-visitors to Cosheston Pill 
Hand-held at 1/30th second – light conditions were terrible for photography