• Thu. Jul 4th, 2024


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Millin Pill – Mandarin

 A Mandarin drake was amongst the Mallard at the mouth of Millin Pill at lunchtime today.

Blackbridge pill, Swallow reflections…

Just three Med Gulls this morning -I was hoping for more – 31 Redshank, 1 Greenshank, Common Sandpiper calling & a juv Knot was good to see. About 15 years…

Sprinkle Pill – more (?) Ospreys and Redstart

 2 Ospreys were circling the top of the pill when I arrived early this evening. They continued to circle southwards as they disappeared over the fields towards Llangwm. Further down…

Redshanks in Llangwm Pill

From Graham Brace: Redshanks have returned to Llangwm Pill after an absence of three months…a week later than usual. According to my records over the last 10 years or so…

Sandwich Terns – Sprinkle Pill

 Unusual to see 2 Sandwich Terns today amongst the Black-headed Gulls at the mouth of Sprinkle Pill. Also 19+ Curlews and at least one Whimbrel. 

Hook / Sprinkle Pill

 51 Black-tailed Godwits were feeding in the pill at low tide today with a few of them now in breeding plumage. The remnants of the winter’s Redshanks (6) and Teal…

Westfield Pill / Deer Park

A group of about 20 hirundines, most of them House Martins, were feeding over the water at Westfield Pill earlier today. I also had an excellent view of a Kingfisher,…

Sprinkle Pill this afternoon.

An hour or so as the rising tide approached it’s high point. Large flocks of Lapwing (c 2000+), Golden Plover (c 1500+) and Dunlin (600+) on the mud flats at…

Cosheston Pill late this afternoon

A low-tide count at Cosheston Pill late this afternoon produced 161 wigeon feeding along the shore (quite a good count here), c.20 teal but only 2 shelducks and a few…

Westfield Pill – Yesterday

 From Sandra Coates-Smith – Friday afternoonTwo firecrests in bushes/trees on the pill side of the path, between the overhead wires and the narrow ‘weir’ section of the pill.