• Sat. Jul 27th, 2024


The Pet encyclopedia

Friday 3rd November 2023


                                    WEST MIDLAND BIRD CLUB STAFFORD BRANCH

                        Invites you to a talk on Tuesday 7th November 2023 with Jeff Clarke

From Cape to Kruger Covering the fantastic wildlife to be found in the Fynbos habitats of the cape area of South Africa and in contrast the mammal and bird rich bush and plains of Kruger National Park.

                       At Walton-on-the  Hill village hall, Green Gore Lane, Stafford ST17 0LD

                    Doors open 7:00pm for a 7:30pm start. Admission £3 including refreshments.


2x Great Northern Diver off the dam at 08:00, (KWh)  –  also a second GND at mid day, (PWa)

Endon – Denford

8x Pink-footed Geese on a flooded field and a further c200 PFG over to the east, Great Egret over, 2x Shoveler, 14x Wigeon, 19x Teal, (DCo)

Radford Meadows Stafford

Black-tailed Godwit, 2x Ruff, Redshank, 252x Lapwing, 62x Golden Plover, 238x Wigeon, Pintail, 100x Shoveler, c300 Teal, (CDa)

Middleton Lakes

Ruddy Shelduck on Hemus’s field near Drayton Brick bridge mid afternoon, (MSm)  –  also Dunlin Redshank, 5x Stonechat, 3x Shelduck, Pochard, Goosander, (SPA)  –  also Cattle Egret in roost, Bittern flew from Dosthill NR, 11x Snipe on JW south, (MB)

Branston GPs

2x juv Scaup on North pit, Cattle Egret flew east from Sandy pit Cattle field, (JWo)  –  Short-eared Owl over SMP1 for 10mins from 16:32 before flying off SE, also 2x Little Egret, 7x Egyptian Geese, 4x Goldeneye, 12x Curlew, 8x GBB Gull, 6x YL Gull, 3x Common Gull, 3x Stonechat, Siskin, (DSc)  –  Also Shag on Marley pit, Woodcock, 26x Snipe, 2x Common Sandpiper, 17x Curlew, 120x Lapwing, Great Egret, 5x Little Egret, 5x Water Rail, 4x Shelduck, 32x Shoveler, 16x Gadwall, 8x Goldeneye, 12x Pochard, 102x Little Grebe, Peregrine, Barn Owl, 3x Brambling, 14x Siskin, 20x Redpoll, 6x Greenfinch, 30x Linnet, 5x Stonechat, 5x Cetti’s Warbler, (JWo)

Whitemoor Haye

Great Egret, 2x Goldeneye, c200 Wigeon, Goosander, 190x Lapwing, 60x Fieldfare, (ICW)

Belvide Resv

33x Dunlin, Ringed Plover, Ruff, 6x Shelduck, Peregrine 2x Stonechat, Ad Caspian Gull in the roost also 15x YL Gull, 

Dimmingsdale (Alton)

2x Willow Tit, Brambling, (TEy)

                                                               Willow Tit by Terry Eyre

Branston Water Park

Goosander, 14x Pochard, Goldeneye, 2x Gadwall, (JWo)