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JBWR/Nickerson Beach August 2024 IPT

This Just In — 9:54am Thursday If you would like to join me early at Stick Marsh tomorrow for an -in-the-Field Session, Friday 15 March, try me on my cell…

Bird News Thursday 31st August

The Bonapartes Gull is again at Kinnegar Shore at 6:20pm (Daniel Newton) The Curlew Sandpiper remains at Kinnegar Shore (Nathan Gilbert). It was still present and showing well this evening…

Thursday 31st August 2023

Tittesworth Water 3x Common Sandpiper, 40x Mandarin, 5x Teal, (SGi) Cuckoo Bank Goshawk, (GHa) Alvecote Spotted Flycatcher, (TPe)

Carterton: 31st August

Carterton Hobby: Possibly the skinnyest, most slight hobby I’ve seen. Presumably a male. 15:09. Mick Cunningham

Bird News Wednesday 30th August

A juvenile Little Gull, 2 juvenile Black Terns and 2 Common Sandpipers were at the Barmouth (Theo Campbell /Richard Smith) The Osprey is still present at the Barmouth (Theo Campbell)…

Wednesday 30th August 2023

Middleton Lakes Red-breasted Goose of unknown origin JW north, Garganey, Green Sandpiper, Common Sandpiper, Great Egret, (SPA) Alvercote (Old Orchard area) 5x Spotted Flycatcher, 4x Lesser Whitethroat, Garden Warbler, Hobby,…

Wootton nr Woodstock: Stratford Bridge: 30th August

Wootton nr Woodstock: Stratford Bridge 18 Cattle Egret: 18 + Cattle Egrets at Stratford Bridge this afternoon. 18:40. David Grainger

Bird News Tuesday 29th August

 The Curlew Sandpiper was still on Kinnegar shore this morning. (Daniel Newton). The bird was still present this afternoon. (David Clarke) And it was still present this evening. (Aaron Long).…

Tuesday 29th August 2023

Middleton Lakes 9x Snipe, Common Sandpiper, 4x Common Tern, 2x Great Egret, (MSm)  –  Red Kite, (JHo) Alvecote Red-crested Pochard still Pretty Pigs pool, 6x Spotted Flycatcher in Orchard, (TPe) …

Bird News Monday 28th August

 The moulting adult Curlew Sandpiper is still on Kinnegar pool this morning. (Daniel Newton). A Whinchat, two Green Sandpipers and a Red Kite were at Creightons Green reservoir above Holywood.…