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Chipping Norton: 25th August

Chipping Norton Peregrine 18:30. Steve Akers

Blenheim 25th August

Teal – 2 Cattle egret – 14 at least early morning. 11 flew out north-east together leaving at least 3 on the island. Common tern – 2 Yellow wagtail –…

Bird News Thursday 24th August

Excellent news from Fermanagh where a pair of Osprey nested this year. https://www.bbc.com/news/uk-northern-ireland-66588325 An injured Nightjar was picked up yesterday near Killyleagh, Co Down and unfortunately passed away overnight. (Fiona McMillan)…

Thursday 24th August 2023

Blithfield Resv 9x Black Tern Blithe Bay, (GJM)  –  Little Stint, Ruff, Black-tailed Godwit, Dunlin, Great Egret, (JFu)                        …

Childrey: Childrey Field: 24th August

Childrey: Childrey Field Marsh Harrier: imm. 21:15. Wheatear 21:15. 39 Yellow Wagtail: Total over south around dusk. Two main groups with a couple of singles. 21:15. Mark Merritt

Fyfield Wick: 24th August

24th August Fyfield Wick 4 Black-tailed Godwit: Flew high west. 07:45. Spotted Flycatcher: Flew across road. 09:55. Marsh Harrier: fem. Fem/Juv circling medium height with 2 Buzzard then drifted South.…

Carterton/Alvescot: 24th August

Carterton/Alvescot Spotted Flycatcher: Actually in the muckheap hedgerow so assumed different from the recent one at the very far opposite end of the lane. 11:26. Lesser Whitethroat: Muckheap. 11:26. 3…

Bird News Wednesday 23rd August

Last night, an immature Yellow Wagtail was seen at the north end of Myroe (John Spottiswood) The Osprey was showing again at the Bann Estuary this morning. A dark phase…

Wednesday 23rd August 2023

Middleton Lakes Garganey, Great Egret, 2x Common Tern, 7x Snipe, (SPA) Branston GPs 2x Black Tern and Red-crested Pochard still, 2x Ruff, 3x Greenshank, Black-tailed Godwit, Dunlin, Snipe, 4x Green Sandpiper, 8x…

Bird News Tuesday 22nd August

An eclipse male American Wigeon was at Lough Beg this afternoon, it was with Eurasian Wigeons on the main lake south of Church Island. Also today high site counts of…