• Thu. Jul 4th, 2024


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Spoonbill at the Gann

 Arriving at the Gann at about 6.35 am, I was delighted to find a Spoonbill on the Lagoons preening itself and feeding, and to be able to watch it for…

Curlew Sandpiper – Gann

Adult Curlew Sandpiper today at the Gann, and amazing with a leg flag. Not yet found the scheme. (Caroline Pickett)

The Gann and Marloes Mere

A glorious day out with interesting birds showing well in the sun and too many to list, so just some pictures:  

The Gann (8th April)

Yesterday afternoon it was persistently blustery so not too much to see. Two pairs of Shelduck, a Common Sandpiper, two Greenshanks and a Turnstone, plus a pair of Chough on the marsh…

Sandwich Tern at the Gann

A Sandwich Tern spent a few minutes flying around not far from the foreshore at the Gann just after high tide this morning, before flying off in the Dale direction.

Firecrest at the Gann

 A highly mobile Firecrest was in the bushes by the Car Park at the Gann this morning. It then flew across the road and I lost it soon after that, but it…

Gann / Marloes Mere

A short walk at the Gann after a bout of Covid this afternoon, it was good to see the sun and breathe in the fresh air!  Plenty of Wigeon and…

Gann gulls

Met up with Derek at the Gann this afternoon, quite sheltered from the stiff westerly. We did our best to read some gull rings. Skokholm ringed Herring gull W:978 (previously…

American Golden Plover @ the Gann

A very confiding moulting adult American Golden Plover at the Gann this evening, on the beach at high tide no more than 100m north of the car park.  The 3 Cattle…

Gann / Millock

3 Ruff were the highlight at the Gann this morning, it was nice not to get soaked today! On the driveway at Crabhall a very vocal Siberian Chiffchaff along with…