• Sun. Jul 7th, 2024


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Bonaparte’s Gull – Teifi

1st winter Bonaparte’s Gull – c200m up river of The Webley Hotel, Teifi Estuary.  Adult Iceland Gull and 2nd cal year Caspian Gull, 2 Yellow-legged Gull and 16+ Med Gulls here…

Ring-billed Gull – Angle Bay

After an unsuccessful (again) few hours at Castlemartin Corse looking for the Pallid Harrier, I went down to the Rhoscrowther (eastern) end of Angle Bay to see what was there…

Bosherston – colour-ringed Med Gull

On 19th Caroline Pickett photographed an adult Med Gull at Bosherston that she subsequently realised had a yellow ring.  A sharp photo and good fortune enabled the ring to be read…

Med Gull

One of yesterday’s Med Gulls at the Gann was a 3CY with a green ring.  I couldn’t read the first digit as it was stood in water, but the last 3…

Gull roost count – Milford Haven (Llanreath-Llanstadwell area)

A coordinated gull roost count between Llandstadwell and Llanreath by Jane Hodges, Annie and myself this evening was quite productive. At least c.2,000 Black-headed Gulls roosted on the water in…

Winter Gull Survey (WinGS)

We are looking for volunteers to help survey various sample sections of the Pembrokeshire coast and Milford Haven Waterway for the BTO Winter Gull roost survey (WinGS).  This survey will…

Med Gull yellow AZ.UK

As expected, Wednesday’s colour-ringed Med Gull was from Rehbach Gravel Pit near Leipzig, ringed as a nestling in 2019.  She appeared in Devon in January 2020, and then northern France that July-September,…

Hook – Gull roost

A substantial (for here) gull roost formed at the mouth of Sprinkle Pill in the fading light of yesterday afternoon. Dominated by Black-headed Gulls (734), with 4 Mediterranean, 4 Common,…

Little Gull – Milford

Little Gull, Milford estuary, approx 3km east of Milford, out over the water this lunch time. (Den Vaughan)

Skomer – Glaucous Gull

A 2CY Glaucous Gull on Skomer early afternoon, resting and preening to the west of North Pond.  Also a Lesser Redpoll over.