• Sat. Jul 6th, 2024


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Wood Warblers

Further to previous posts on this species, it does look we may have lost Wood Warbler as a breeding species in Pembrokeshire.  Perhaps no surprise given the decline from around 250…

Willow Warblers, Osprey..the Teifi.

At least three Willow Warblers singing around the Teifi Marshes, and another singing in St Dogmaels. An Osprey roosting in a tree on Nia Stephen’s family farm just outside Cardigan…

Yellow-browed warblers

 Two yellow-browed warblers today, in the Marloes area. The first in the blackthorn scrub and ivy in the valley on the deer park, behind the toilets and NRW offices at…

I love Reed Warblers

Small, brown, non-descript – Reed Warblers are the classic example of a LBJ (little brown job).  But that song, and when seen close up: stunners.  We are privileged to have…

Llangloffan Fen (West) – warblers, etc.

So much to see at Llangloffan on Saturday. On the first pond (nearest the entrance) there were several 4-spotted Chasers, a few Large Red Damselflies, and some blue damselflies i…

Martin’s Haven warblers and reptiles

Having had a fantastic run of Ring Ouzels the week before last, the Spring migration flow turned to Grasshopper Warblers last weekend. Our best was three heard at once, with…

Minwear Wood Wood Warblers and Landshipping Great Crested Grebes

It was nice to see and to hear three wood warblers back in Minwear Wood, along the BBS transect route this morning. There were good numbers of singing blackcaps and…

Yellow-browed Warblers – Hook

 2 Yellow-browed Warblers through the garden this afternoon. Also a male Blackcap and a Chiffchaff – the first this winter.