• Sat. Jul 6th, 2024


The Pet encyclopedia

Martin’s Haven warblers and reptiles


Having had a fantastic run of Ring Ouzels the week before last, the Spring migration flow turned to Grasshopper Warblers last weekend. Our best was three heard at once, with one very obliging bird standing proud in a bramble patch near the cottage, giving an excellent “garden tick”.

Still a trickle of other warblers coming through: it has been a really good spring for Blackcaps, and a mix of Willow Warblers and Chiffchaffs. A singing Sedge Warbler on Saturday, but we could not re-find him (or re-hear him) yesterday.

Non-birds have included nearly a dozen Slowworms, 2 Adders, 8 common Lizards, and 3 extremely young Grass Snakes.