• Sun. Jul 7th, 2024


The Pet encyclopedia

Tuesday 22nd November 2022


Himley Great Pool

Great Northern Diver present this morning at 08:55 also late yesterday afternoon, (CTi)  –  but no further sign late morning, (SEd)


                                                        Photos by Chris Timmins

Doxey Marsh

400x Pink-footed Geese over at noon, Stonechat, Goosander, (DB)

Stafford Beacon Hill/Hopton pools

80x Skylark and 200x Fieldfare, (IWi)


Little Egret at Mill End at 15:00, (BCa, LCa)

Endon – Denford

Woodcock, 12x Snipe, 110x Lapwing, 2x Willow Tit, 31x Wigeon, (DCo)

Whitemoor Haye

Female Merlin, Great Egret, Yellowhammers, (RBe)  –  Merlin, 8x Tree Sparrow, (PCo)

                                                         Tree Sparrow by Phil Cooper

Branston GPs

53x Dunlin, 4x Ruff, 2x Redshank, 2x Green Sandpiper, Common Sandpiper, 13x Curlew, 1000+ Golden Plover, 3x Snipe, 5x Pink-footed Geese, 9x Shelduck, 3x Goldeneye, Pintail, 4x Little Egret, Common Gull, 60x Linnet, Green Woodpecker, (CEc)

Belvide Resv (WMBC members only)

3w Caspian Gull in the roost,