• Thu. Jul 4th, 2024


The Pet encyclopedia

Wednesday 6th September 2023


Blithfield Resv

3x Red Kite NE, 11x Ringed Plover, 6x LRP, Greenshank, 5x Ruff, Snipe, YL Gull, 6x Common Tern, 2x Whinchat, Tree Pipit, (SRi)

Doxey Marsh

3x Great Egret, Little Egret, 4x Wigeon, 2x Mandarin, 65x Shoveler, 175x Lapwing, Barnacle Goose, (MBo, RRa)


3x Hobby hawking above the leisure centre this afternoon, (MSw)

                                                                   By Mick Sway


Great Egret, 2x Little Egret, (MSc)

Branston GPs

Whimbrel, 3x Ruff, 2x Dunlin, 9x Curlew, 3x Green Sandpiper, 2x Common Sandpiper, 178x Lapwing, 4x Snipe, 12x Little Egret, Pintail, Goosander, 26x Pochard, 88x Shoveler, 47x Gadwall, 2x Wigeon, 64x Little Grebe, 10x Common Tern, 2x YL Gull, Green Woodpecker, Peregrine, Hobby, Water Rail, Cetti’s Warbler, (JWo)